
The Association of Survivors of the Sumpul Massacre and Other Chalatenango Massacres would like to acknowledge the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Western University, SalvAide, and CRIPDES for their generous financial and in-kind support that enabled us to undertake this strategic planning process. We are also grateful to Canadian graphic designer, Carly Marsh, who volunteered her time and skills to create the plan’s graphic design. We would like to express our gratitude to the following individuals who assisted us in the strategic planning process: María Dina Alas Calles, Blanca Miriam Ayala Mejía, Juan Bello, Jaime Brenes Reyes, Pedro Cabezas, Melina Doutreloigne, Mirian Dubon, Harold Fallon, Amanda Grzyb, Reynaldo Hernández, Orlando Hernández, Beatriz Juárez, Evelia Macal, Arlene MacDougall, Alfredo Marroquín, María Vilma Mejía Alas, Justine Morlion, Dorothee Molders, Hermana Teresa Rasilla, Nicolás Rivera, María Marta Tobar, José Felipe Tobar Arce, José Reyes Guardado and Antojitos El Mirador, Julio Hernaldo Rivera Guardado, y Padre Miguel Ángel Vásquez.

The Strategic Plan was prepared by Dr. Amanda Grzyb and Beatriz Juárez, Western University. Graphic Design by Carly Marsh

This project is supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), the Faculty of Information and Media Studies at the University of Western Ontario (Canada), CRIPDES – The Association for the Development of El Salvador, SalvAide, and Association of Communities for the Development of Chalatenango.

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