“We are committed to remain walking alongside people.”

The primary goal of the Association of Survivors of the Sumpul Massacre and Other Chalatenango Massacres (Asociación de Sobrevivientes de la Masacre del Sumpul y Otras Masacres de Chalatenango) is to dignify all massacre victims and survivors in the region who were subjected to repressive state violence during the Salvadoran Civil War (1980-1992). Members of the Sumpul Association work to preserve historical memory of wartime massacres; recognize and appreciate the popular organization of campesinos and our struggles against state violence; and seek moral and material reparations for survivors.


The Association of Survivors of the Sumpul Massacre and Other Chalatenango Massacres represents the victims and survivors of massacres and serious violations of human rights that occurred in Chalatenango during the Salvadoran Civil War through commemoration, education, justice, and a defense of human rights.


The Sumpul Association operates under the principles of truth, justice, dignity, solidarity, and collaboration in all its activities.

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